How to Zoom in PowerPoint

February 2023 · 3 minute read
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Microsoft released PowerPoint way back in 1990 to become one of the most used applications in the world. This is no surprise since it comes with many features to create presentations.

If you are a fan of using PowerPoint to create awesome presentations, now you have a new tool at your disposal. The new  Zoom feature will allow you to easily create interactive, non-linear presentations.

According to Microsoft, using Zoom during a presentation will allow you to go from any point in your presentation to any other in any order you want.

The Slide Zoom option will allow you to make the presentation more dynamic, which means that you will be able to navigate without any problems between slides in any order you like.

On the other hand, Section Zoom will give you the freedom to go back to sections that you want to really focus on.

How do I use Zoom in PowerPoint?

1. Create a Slide Zoom

  • Open a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Go to Insert and select Zoom.
  • Choose Slide Zoom.

  • The Slide Zoom dialog box opens
  • Choose the slides you want to use in your Slide Zoom.
  • Once you are done selecting all the slides you want to use, select Insert.
  • Your Slide Zoom is created.
  • 2. Create a Section Zoom

  • Open a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Go to Insert and select Zoom.
  • Choose Section Zoom.

  • Choose the section you want to use in your Section Zoom.
  • Once you are done selecting the section, select Insert.
  • Your Section Zoom is created.
  • 3. Use an alternative tool for these types of procedures

    If your goal is to use Zoom in PowerPoint to create awesome presentations, why not go a step forward and choose a product that makes fabulous presentations by default?

    Adobe Creative Cloud Express is a suite of programs that allows you to design visual content that can be used for businesses, education, social media. Creating a presentation should come as second nature for this program.

    The Ui is extremely simplistic, and the library of already-present templates is quite large, allowing you to create fantastic projects with minimum effort.

    By following these steps, you should be able to create better-looking presentations by using the Zoom feature in PowerPoint.

    If you have any suggestions, ideas, or problems with the Zoom option, please let us know in a comment below.
