Developer PowerShell is now available in Visual Studio 2019

January 2023 · 2 minute read

Microsoft recently announced a new tool for Visual Studio 2019.

Developer PowerShell comes as a result of user feedback

Based on user feedback, the company added Developer PowerShell for those who want an alternative to Visual Studio Command Prompt.

The tool is available in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2, and it’s located in a new set of menu entries, for quick access.

Developer PowerShell, along with Developer Command Prompt can now be found under Tools > Command Line. Selecting one of the tools will launch it in an external window with your predefined settings. Developer PowerShell in visual studio 2019

The command line tools get dynamic directories

Furthermore, opening the command lines from Visual Studio will automatically change their directories accordingly, based on folder’s location or current solution.

Also, if a solution or a folder isn’t open when you access any of the tools, their directories are based on the Projects location setting.

You can locate this setting under Tools > Options > Locations. new directories visual studio 2019

It seems like Microsoft is relying on user feedback not only for improving their Chromium-based browser, but also Visual Studio 2019.

Many requested the Developer PowerShell, and now is finally here.

How will you use the Developer Poweshell tool in Visual Studio 2019?

Share your thoughts in the comments section below and we’ll make sure to continue the talk.

